sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

FOR NEXT THURSDAY 2015 05 14: HSW Handover, Course Questions & Answers.


Although you can send it later, it is highly advisable to do it now if you want to expose your doubts in class related to this part of the course (or to the previous one).
- Before class time, in one pdf, and in landscape orientation please.

INCLUDING (minimum content):
- A report explaining & justifying your solution (in just one A-4 format each).
Preliminary sketches of the whole solution.
- A sample of the calculations (in just one A-4 format each).
Constructive Plans & Details and a view of a significative part of your proposal (like for example a bathroom), with sufficient detail for you to show the possibility to build it.
- Must include the coordination of facilities: Drainage (in green& brown), Cold Water (in blue) and Hot Water (in orange& yellow), and also with the rest of spaces upon the building´s plans (grayed).
- It counts positively the proposal of viable measures in order to save energy and water resources.
- You can always change & improve your previous work, modifying parts of your building if necessary.

Some of the former A1 Synoptic Panels exhibited will be brought to class in order to inspire you.

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